Friday, July 17, 2009

Check out the Chunk

I mean really, does it get any better than this?

Because of our new schedule, I (dad) hadn't seen Sara since early Wednesday morning (like 12am). So when I walk in last night I couldn't believe how different Sara looked. She hasn't been on the nasal cannula since Wednesday morning and her sats have been higher than when she was on it (at least when I was there). She is up to almost 5lbs 6oz. She was wide-eyed before her feedings and I thought - well, let me just put her in our bag and we'll go to the house!

Practicing karate!

Yes, I know my place when I get home

But alas, we must wait a bit longer. Shunt is still scheduled for next Thursday, meeting with Neurosurgeon on Tuesday to discuss all of that. We'll give you all the details then so you can know how to pray. Sara continues to improve on her bottle feeding and breast feeding. Thanks for checking in and praying - keep it up!


  1. Wow, she looks great!!! So happy to see this beautiful girl!

  2. she looks amazing!!! keep fighting little one!!

  3. She honestly looks amazing! She doesn't have that micro preemie look anymore... maybe just a regular preemie... haha She's gorgeous! Yay for chunkiness

  4. OMG! she looks sooo good! I've been following Sara, and praying for her... Is so nice to see her so well


  5. She looks awesome. Your family is in my prayers.

  6. OK, I'll admit it. I always thought preemies looked like little wrinkly monkeys. I thought she was cute, but kind of 'unformed' looking. All of the sudden, *KAPOW* she's turned the corner into chubby babyness. What an absolute DOLL!! I'm so glad to hear that she continues to be doing so well. Still praying!

  7. I love the cubby cheeks!! My daughter was born full term and only weighed 4oz more than your Sara now!! WOW! Think of how far she's come!!
    I know that everything is going to be ok and you will have Sara home in no time. We wait on your words on how to pray for the shunt. If it helps to get Sara home healthy then let's do it!
    Always praying,
    Jamie Corona

  8. Praising God for this little miracle!
    Praying for the week a head.

  9. LOVE those chubby cheeks! just wanna squeeze 'em though she'd probably rather be kissed but whatever :) always praying and praising God for answering.
    stacy c.

  10. Precious, Precious!! She is just as beautiful as her sisters!
    Still praying.

  11. So beautiful!!!
    Peace & Grace,

  12. God is so good! she is beautiful!!!
