Monday, July 13, 2009

7 weeks old (34 weeks gestation)

Jennifer and I have found that living with the almost daily ups and downs of NICU are handled better by taking a week by week perspective. So here you and we go...

Day of birth (27 weeks gestation)

1 week old (28 weeks)

2 weeks old (29 weeks)

3 weeks old (30 weeks)

4 weeks old (31 weeks)

5 weeks old (32 weeks)

6 weeks old (33 weeks)

7 weeks old (34 weeks)

Had a busy, but good day with Sara. She had a CAT scan this morning and eye exam around noon. Jennifer got the day going with a solid 30 minutes of good breastfeeding at 6am. Her CAT scan was done later. We haven't heard from the neurosurgeon, but the technicians reading was - it looks better. The horns of the fontanel were smaller and the bones of one part of her skull were closer together. This is all very good news. But hang on, it gets better.

The eye exam went well. She did not appreciate being held down and a magnifying glass and bright light shone into her eye, but she cooperated. So far everything looks ok, there is one spot he wants to watch, so probably in a few weeks she will get another exam.

Her time with the pediatric doctor went well. She is showing more strength than just a few days ago. More strength in holding up her head, which was a concern. The dr was very happy in the progress in that area. There are several things Sara has been doing well that give the dr optimism about her future- although they will never tell you for sure. The fact she has never needed caffeine to strengthen her lungs, she only had episodes of bradying once when she needed blood, she has never had seizures, feeding has gone on without a hitch, and her temperature has been so steady in an open crib. This is controlled by the brain and the dr thought for sure she would be in and out of an isolete trying to make the transition. But she hasn't.

Jennifer did well feeding her a bottle at noon. We think she was worn out from breastfeeding and didn't eat as much. We'll see tonight.

The good news we received was how happy the neurosurgeon was with her progress. We were told by a nurse he tapped on her little box and she would look in that direction. Then he would shine a flashlight into her eyes and her entire body recoils in horror. This is all good. In fact the nurse said that the neurosurgeon said he was tickled at her progress. I asked her - did he actually say tickled? She said yes. According to the dr - maybe a shunt next week. Of course as recently as Wednesday the shunt was supposed to be this week. He says we will watch it. Oh, we're watching it alright!

One other thing, as you so lovingly and faithfully pray for Sara, say a prayer for her cousin Elizabeth. Pray her bilirubin levels get below 10 by tomm morning. We'll let you know.


  1. such accomplishments in such a short amount of time.We are all so proud of you,Sara,,keep up the good work,sweetheart.We will keep praying for that miracle.With lots of love from Florida.

  2. Oh my goodness! When you compare pics like that...she has gotten so big! (And yet still so small:) I am "tickled" too that she has done so well so far. I don't know you all personally, but I must admit, I've gotten a bit attached to Miss Sara Rose. I can't wait to see her go home with you guys!

  3. Ps. 73:25,26
    "Whom do I in heaven but you. And the earth has nothing I desire but you. My flesh and my heart may fail but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

    Grace & Peace,

  4. What a difference 7 weeks has made for Sara! She is so beautiful! I'm so glad she's doing so well! Praying for good reports from the doctor. I'm praying Elisabeth's bilirubin levels are below 10 and looking great tomorrow morning!

