Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Bacterial Meningitis - more later, keep praying!


  1. Bringing her before the throne right now. I will call our church prayer chain as well.

  2. I'm praying for your little girl right now. My daughter also had Bacterial Meningitis and it was very, very difficult. Getting antibiotics on board early is about all you can do. My Katie was very ill and we were told that she would remain in a vegetative state. I'm not sure if you remember her story (I think you mentioned that you've been to our blog)She is now 20 months old. A walking, smiling, miracle.

    If you have any questions or need help in any way, please email me at sorochinsky@gmail.com.

    There is one new experimental treatment for Meningitis. It serves to protect the brain...you may want to ask about it. It's a cooling web that is placed on the head during the height of infection. I always wonder if it would have helped Katie.

    My thoughts are with you!!

  3. Praying for all of you! She is under the care of the Great Physician and covered in prayers!

  4. My brother died of bacterial meningitis (he was an adult, mind you...and he waited till it was too late...long story). I know that so many are praying for Sara and she has come so far! God, we trust you to bless little Sara with health and healing right now!

  5. Praying for you all!
